John J. Bergan, MD, Lectureship
The Annual John J. Bergan, M.D. Lectureship is borne out of recognition for the wealth of contributions made by Dr. Bergan as a vascular surgeon, scientist and educator. Each year, the division appoints an honorary guest speaker whose work greatly contributes to the field of vascular surgery.
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Bruce L. Gewertz is serving as our 10th Annual John J. Bergan Visiting Professor on Friday, March 11, 2022. Dr. Gewertz will present, "Best Medicine."
The History & Legacy of the Bergan Lectureship
This lecture, and the associated visiting professorship, honors the legacy of Dr. John J. Bergan and upholds the academic mission of the vascular division here at Northwestern. That academic mission was envisioned by Dr. Bergan, who with Dr. Yao, started the division and our training program over 45 years ago. Dr Bergan was a prolific scholar, eloquent speaker and dedicated educator.
As a scientist and prolific writer, Bergan’s publication record includes more than 700 peer-reviewed articles, 39 books and book chapters and invited commentaries, including The Vein Book, considered one of the most authoritative works on veins and venous circulation.
Bergan is widely considered to be a founding father of modern-day vascular surgery. While at Northwestern, he established the division, its noninvasive vascular laboratory and the Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program. He was the first chief of the division and created the Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium.
Thanks to the diligent stewardship of our division chief, Dr. Mark Eskandari and the donors, this endowed lectureship is a durable legacy.
Learn more about Dr. Bergan's Legacy.
2022 Bergan Lecture
Bruce L. Gewertz, M.D.
Spotlight on 9th Annual John J. Bergan Lecture