Loyal Davis Surgical Interest Group
The Loyal Davis Surgical Interest Group (LDSIG) hosts guest speakers, lunch talks and surgical skills workshops and helps medical student access unique research and shadowing opportunities within the field of surgery.
Download the Grand Rounds and Resident Core Curriculum Conferences PDFs for upcoming calendars and browse the categories below to learn more.
Clinical Observation
All Feinberg medical students have the opportunity to participate in a clinical observation with surgeons in the operating room. If interested, review our Clinical Observation Process Guidelines, then complete your Application for Clinical Observation and send it to Jason Burke.
Trauma/Night Float Shadowing
All Feinberg medical students also have the opportunity to shadow with the Trauma/Night float team. If interested, review the Trauma Shadowing Process Guidelines, then complete your Application for Clinical Observation and send it to Anna Reczynski.
Who Was Loyal Davis?
Loyal Davis, MD, FACS, was a renowned physician in the field of neurological surgery who embodied the ideals of medical education and viewed the training of young surgeons as one of his greatest satisfactions. Davis graduated from Northwestern University in 1918, worked with Harvey Cushing (the founder of the field of neurosurgery) and was later appointed the chairman of the Department of Surgery at Northwestern University. He was also the longtime editor of Surgery Gynecology and Obstetrics, which later became known as the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. LDSIG was created to continue his efforts to better educate the next generation of surgeons.
Student Leaders
If you are interested in leadership opportunities, contact the board members to discuss. Applications for next year’s board open in November or December.
Adrienne Chen, M1
Michelle Guo, M1
Khizar Nandoliya, M1
VP of Communications
Anitesh Bajaj, M1
VP of Events
Sachin Govind, M1
Shadowing Coordinator
Adam Richter, M1
Please check out a couple of links we found useful:
Departmental Support

Amy L. Halverson, MD
Professor of Surgery (Gastrointestinal and Endocrine)
Vice Chair of Surgical Education

David D. Odell, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery (Thoracic Surgery)
Associate Surgery Clerkship Director

Joseph A Posluszny, Jr., MD
Surgery Clerkship Director
Assistant Professor of Surgery (Trauma and Critical Care)

Jason Burke
Surgery Clerkship Coordinator
Sue Santacaterina
Surgery Clerkship Nurse Educator