Steven J. Stryker, MD, Gastrointestinal Surgery Research and Education Endowment

The purpose of this endowment is to provide a one-year stipend for trainees and students to perform mentored clinical or basic science research in the area of digestive health.
- Applicant must be a trainee (resident or fellow) in the Department of Surgery at Northwestern University
- Residents outside of the Northwestern University Department of Surgery are not eligible based on the intent of these funds.
- Trainees from outside institutions who have been accepted into a Northwestern University Department of Surgery training program are eligible.
- Applicant must commit to completing at least 1 year of full-time research in digestive health.
- FSM students will be eligible if there are no eligible resident or fellow applicants for the funding cycle.
Budgetary restrictions:
- No indirect costs will be funded.
- Budgeted travel must be a vital component of the project’s success. Total expenditures per trip are limited to $1,500 per trip per person.
- Salary support is restricted to the applicant, research assistants, technicians, and analysts who are critical to the success of the project. Salary support will not be provided for individuals outside NMHC and campus partners.
- The award has a $42,000 maximum.
All proposals from eligible applicants will be reviewed by a committee of faculty and Department of Surgery leadership. In each funding cycle, meritorious applications from residents will have a funding priority over applications from medical students.
Notification of full or partial funding will be sent to all applicants in March. The anticipated start date for awards is July 1. Notification letters will indicate if additional documentation or steps are required prior to the start of the project. Awardees are required to obtain Institutional Review Board and/or Animal Care and Use Committee approval if appropriate.
Awardees are expected to attend and present at Department of Surgery Research Conference and to submit an abstract to the annual Department of Surgery William H. Pearce, MD Research Symposium. Moonlighting during the award period is not permitted without the written approval of the mentor(s).
Awardees are required to submit a final report one month after the funding period ends. The final report should describe research progress, plan for future work, and any presentations, publications, invention disclosures and patent applications that resulted from this work.
All awardees are required to acknowledge the support of this funding in any manuscripts/publications or presentations that result from this work. Acknowledgement in manuscripts/publications should use the following verbiage: The authors acknowledge the support of the Steven J. Stryker, MD, Gastrointestinal Surgery Research and Education Endowment.
Submission deadline: March 1
Stryker RFA and application instructions
Application Form and Templates
Completed applications (a single PDF file containing all components of the proposal) should be emailed to:
Kashmeen Raza, Associate Department Administrator
Questions should be directed to:
Karen J. Ho, MD, Director of Resident Research
Prior Winners
2019: Brian Brajcich, MD (Mentor: Karl Bilimoria, MD, MS) and Vivek Pamulapati, MD (Mentor: Karen J. Ho, MD)
2020: Matt Snyder, MD (Mentors: Eric Hungness, MD and Ezra Teitelbaum, MD)
2021: Justin Steggerda, MD (Mentor: Daniel Borja-Cacho, MD)
2022: Charles Logan, MD (Mentor: David Odell, MD, MMSc), Praneet Polineni (Mentor: Daniela Ladner, MD, MPH), and Jes Sanders, MD (Mentor: Joseph Leventhal MD, PhD)
2023: Lauren Janczewski, MD (Mentors: Mary Mulcahy, MD and Ryan Merkow, MD), Joseph Sanchez, MD (Mentor: Anne Stey, MD, MSc), Jes Sanders, MD (Mentor: Joseph Leventhal, MD, PhD) and Dominic Vitello, MD (Mentor: David Bentrem, MD)