NQUIRES Core Programs
Core Topics
Illinois Quality Collaboratives
- The Illinois Surgical Quality Improvement Collaborative (ISQIC) is comprised of over 50 hospitals in Illinois. ISQIC provides participating hospitals with a formal quality and process improvement training curriculum, surgeon mentors, and process improvement coaches as well as financial support for the implementation of QI initiatives. ISQIC hospitals work together to improve surgical quality and safety by sharing their experiences, best practices, successes, and failures. In addition, ISQIC hospitals report and receive comparative feedback on key process measures with the ability to view and compare empirical data about hospital performance and participate in the ISQIC initiatives. Hospitals are equipped to use their data to successfully implement quality improvement (QI) initiatives and improve care.
- The Illinois Cancer Collaborative (ILCC) is a first-of-its kind statewide cancer collaborative. Its mission is to convene a multidisciplinary learning collaborative of Illinois hospitals improving the safety and quality of care for cancer patients. The ILCC is an opportunity for Illinois hospitals to partner together to rapidly and efficiently address the unique challenges that we all face in providing safe and optimal cancer care to patients during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The ILCC offers novel strategies to support effective QI in oncology: (1) guided implementation and mentoring of QI projects, (2) high-quality, Illinois-specific comparative data augmenting the NCDB, (3) cancer-specific QI resources and education, (4) statewide sharing of best practices.
Funding Sources
- Statewide collaboratives are supported by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (R01HS024516) and reflect a partnership with the American College of Surgeons. Additional funding for the ILCC comes from the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at Northwestern.
Surgical Education & Culture
Continuing on the success of the Flexibility in Duty Hour Requirement for Surgical Trainees (FIRST) trial, 2019 saw the launch of The Surgical Education Culture Optimization through targeted interventions based on National comparative Data (SECOND) trial.
This effort, a collaboration between Northwestern Medicine, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the American College of Surgeons (ACS), the American Board of Surgery (ABS) and the Association of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS) is a prospective, 212-hospital pragmatic cluster randomized trial examining whether giving general surgery residency programs access to their performance data and an interactive toolkit of wellness interventions can improve residency program culture and resident wellness.
The SECOND Trial has enrolled 212 residency programs. For more information, please see http://thesecondtrial.org
Funding Sources
The SECOND Trial is a partnership among the following:
- Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
- American College of Surgeons (ACS)
- American Board of Surgery (ABS)
- Association of Program Directors in Surgery (APDS)
- Society of Surgical Chairs (SSC)
- Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
Health Policy
Evaluating the impact of policy initiatives on healthcare quality measurement, improvement and delivery has been a focus area of NQUIRES, and this work has resulted in numerous changes in national quality measurement, pay-for-performance programs, and public hospital quality rating systems.
Funding Sources
- NQUIRES Health Policy efforts have been supported by the NIH, AHRQ, the American College of Surgeons, and Northwestern Medicine.
Peri-Operative Patient Safety & Surgical Safety
To identify opportunities to inform and improve the quality and delivery of surgical care, NQUIRES researchers have conducted hundreds of outcomes research studies and developed tools to help clinicians provide better care.
Funding Sources
- NQUIRES Perioperative Patient Safety and Surgical Safety efforts have been supported by the NIH, AHRQ, BCBS-IL, and numerous other organizations and societies.
Using Surgical Video to Improve Surgical Technique
To date, most surgical quality improvement efforts have focused on preoperative and postoperative quality and safety with less work focusing on intraoperative care or surgical technique. Moreover, surgeons rarely receive feedback on their technical skills once done with training. Thus, we have developed multiple initiatives to leverage surgical video to improve surgeon technical skills. This is done through peer coaching, scoring and comments from peers, and group discussions. Video-based feedback for the improvement of surgical technique leverages video of surgical procedures to facilitate discussions and learning. This work is carried out in the NM health system and through the Illinois Surgical Quality Improvement Collaborative (ISQIC).
Funding Sources
- Video coaching efforts are supported by NQUIRES, ISQIC/BCBS-IL, and the NM Quality Innovation Center
Pediatric Surgical Outcomes
The research team is dedicated to projects seeking to improve outcomes in children’s surgical care. The scope of their research extends from quality improvement and implementation science to advancement of clinical practice and standards of care. Our research has played a key role in the establishment of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program –Pediatric (ACS-NSQIP-P) which is now in place at more than 150 hospitals.
Funding Sources
Efforts are supported by the following:
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health (R01HD099344)
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (R01HS024712)
- Digestive Health Foundation
- Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
Northwestern Medicine Quality Innovation Center
Cancer Quality
The Northwestern Medicine Cancer Collaboratives are multidisciplinary groups of oncology care providers and quality leaders who seek to align and improve cancer care across the system. The collaboratives aim to equip hospitals and individual providers with skills to identify their local performance gaps in cancer care in a rigorous manner based on high-quality data, and then implement solutions to those problems using established process improvement methods. The collaboratives will ultimately measurably improve adherence to best practice guidelines, quality of care, and outcomes while reducing variation and costs arising from unsafe, inefficient, or inappropriate care.
Funding Sources
This work has been funded by the NIH/NCI, AHRQ, American Cancer Society, NCCN, Northwestern Medicine, and the Lurie Cancer Center.
Surgical Opioid Prescribing
Following surgery, surgeons frequently prescribe far more opioid pills than patients need to control their pain. These excess pills are too often consumed for non-medical indications or diverted to individuals other than the intended user. Furthermore, despite recent efforts to decrease the number of pills prescribed following surgery, patients continue to have a significant number of pills left over when their acute pain resolves.
Our portfolio of initiatives aims to reduce surgical overprescribing of opioids and develop appropriate tools for providers and families to address post-operative pain management. Using an implementation science approach, our efforts further seek to understand the effectiveness of these interventions to thus facilitate dissemination.
Funding Sources
The following grants support our Opioid Reduction initiatives:
- System-Level Implementation to Reduce Excess Opioid Prescribing in Surgery – National Institute on Drug Abuse (R34DA044752)
- Preventing Opioid Misuse through Safe Opioid Use Agreements between Patients and Surgical Providers (PROMISE ME) – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (R18HS027331)
- Illinois Surgical Quality Improvement Collaborative (ISQIC) Opioid Reduction Initiative: Phase 2 – PaciraPharmaceuticals
- Understanding Opioid Use by Surgical Approach – Intuitive Foundation
- A Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Patient and Provider Perspectives on Opioid Use and Pain Management in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care – Digestive Health Foundation